Sunday, July 15, 2012

Corvette Tail Lights For Sale

FOR SALE: Corvette Tail Lights, Good Condition! 

Found his IPHONE in his hands and

his head in the back seat



  1. Lost an ex father-n-law pretty much the same way, only it was fog and way before cell phones... I take every chance I get to scream at anyone I find texting behind the wheel...

  2. P, I've been there yelling at texters too.

  3. I saw one of those happen many years back no cell phones then. See people all the time now all over the road with that cell phone glued to their ear---scary as hell!

  4. Ouch! How much for lights? Heh. Poor dude.

  5. I'm sorry, but I have zero patience with texters. For a personal reason: the cabbie that rear-ended me -- an illegal immigrant under deportation orders for over 20 years -- was using his cell phone at the time. He might have been texting.

  6. A sober message. Thank you, Odie. Getting the word out may save a life.

  7. AOW, there ought to be a law, or in this case a bus.

  8. Opie, they're not smart enough to be here in the first place.

  9. There is no back seat in a Corvette, just a little storage area. Right?
    I guess the point is his head was no longer in communication with his body.

  10. We see people texting all the time. All the time. Scary.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  11. Supposedly, we're going to start seeing cars with a field built into them so you can't phone out.

    Considering how many near-disasters I've seen because somebody was paying more attention to their phone than driving, I have to say I'm all for it.

    PS Saw a car like that bent at a 45 degree angle with the apex in the driver's seat.

    PPS Had a phone I kept in the car only to let the wife know I might have a problem getting home. Used when stopped when traffic was slow.

    Truth in advertising.

  12. Yowsers!!!

    Check this out for a close call that ended better.

  13. Edutcher, I have onstar phones built into both of our cars. It's a hands free system and still can be distracting.

  14. I know what you mean.

    You still have to engage the brain.

    Well, most of us do.


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