Friday, July 27, 2012

Back At You Opie and Adrienne

Opie ... back at you. You found a Monarch Butterfly on your 
walk and I found this Tiger (Black) Swallowtail in my garden yesterday.  UPDATE: It's official it's a Western Tiger Swallowtail.
Opus 6 (LINK)
Adrienne, gave me this neat loader to play with
when she's away from her blog. Go over there
and maybe she'll give you neat stuff like this.
Adrienne (LINK)

A little add-on: I didn't get around much yesterday. I was
downloading a new operating system for my Mac. I've
upgraded from Lion to Mountain Lion. This was a very
big deal because I started it yesterday at 1:30PM and it
didn't finish downloading until 9:00PM. DSL ain't as fast
as it used to seem. It took another 45 minutes to install itself.

I'm back now though ...


  1. I have a butterfly bush in the front yard and finally found a butterfly on one of it's flowers. It was delicious.

    I am still looking for a John Deere bush though.

  2. Not much on loaders, but the butterfly in question is clearly a "Papilio glaucus" aka Tiger Swallowtail!

  3. Ron, The Tiger Swallowtail is about half again larger my old friend. We have both in California.

  4. Ron, excuse me, I believe you're right. We have a smaller version of the Tiger up at this altitude I guess. When I was a kid we used to catch both this one and the larger one.

  5. I suppose there is a difference between the Eastern Swallowtail and the western. As a young boy I caught many in my grandmothers yard---she had many flowers. The Luna Moth was by far the most beautiful of all however. Do you have them out west?

  6. The fancy moth out here is the Sphinx Moth.

  7. Immigration is a joke. There's just no enforcement. Yes I had to watch that video.

    As for Obummer and his going after the guy in Idaho that gave money to Romney. No surprise there.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. They are unusual and quite large---we have them here in the deep south.

  9. Did you wax it yet?? I'd LOVE to have a front loader, but a bobcat would also make my heart sing.

    Lovely butterfly! I'm going to email you a pic of a butterfly we have around here. I think it's an Anise Swallowtail, but obviously you know way more than I do.

  10. Sandee, we all need to help Romney in every way we can.

  11. OH Ron ... I looked it up. That was a Western Tiger Swallowtail.

  12. LADY !!! That is one very ugly butterfly.

  13. Adrienne, that beautiful photo you took is the same butterfly I took a photo of. It's a Western Tiger Swallowtail.

  14. Around here, we call them bugs dandy moths ;)Actually most of what I have seen around DFW are monarchs.

    Sounds like that mountain lion was getting a little fat eating all of them apples. Is there much difference between the two lions?

  15. I hope I never have to answer a question about Western Tiger Swallowtails just to pass to cross some bridge... (a la Monty Python).

  16. Sweet! I love the butterfly. Excellent!

  17. Madhat, Mountain Lion mimics an iPad to some degree.

  18. Velcro, answer these questions three.


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