Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rottweiler Therapy ~ With Wild Bill


  1. A piece of wood works every time its tried! Thanks Bill and Odie!

  2. I had one teacher used a fishing rod.

  3. Randy, it does indeed. How about a lot of those dogs on the southern border.

  4. I had a teacher in junior high that had a board just like he described. He even called it "The Board of Education."

  5. Thanks for that Odie. Rottweiller Therapy, I love it. My Daddy used that stick to correct a lot of my misbehaviors too.

  6. Loved the video~Thanks

    BTW~ I remember that "board of education" even had it used on me once~~~~~OK OK maybe TWICE

  7. Deb, As was said, "It works every time it's tried."

  8. Stopsign, you must have been a slow learner. It usually works the first time.

  9. "Stupidity should be painful" Great line! Goes well with my Dads fav; "Ignorance I can forgive, stupidity I cannot"

  10. Great post! Especially since the modern liberal would scream and kvetch about how insensitive it is to the children.

    We've definitely lost something here in America - respect, honesty, self worth, education. Bill's suggestion just might do the trick.

  11. Christopher, it sounds like your dad had his work cut out for him.

  12. All my Mom had to do when my brother and I started to act up was open the drawer where she kept the wooden spoon and my brother and I headed for the hills.

  13. Odie, think we need to bring some sticks and Rottweiler's to congress?

  14. Lady, This sounds familiar, and my sister a I were the same.

  15. Tangential anecdote..

    LIBERAL, ANTI-GUN, CITIZEN: Sheriff, why do you carry a .45?

    SHERIFF: Because they don't make a .46, ma'am.


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