Monday, June 13, 2011

The News . . . . Woodsterman Style

I saw this Weiner photo over at The War Planner,
I knew I'd seen it before . . . .
And then there's this News Reel . . .

This is from "There's Something About Mary."


  1. Have you seen my wiener? Too damn many saw it evidently! Your version of the news is much more accurate.

  2. We should rename the Congress Gym the Congress Bathhouse.

  3. Randy, It just come'd to me ... I remembered this scene and it just seemed to work.

  4. Supi, there you go ... the Congress Bathhouse.

  5. Is not abundantly clear why the a**holes in Washington never get anything done... The ones that aren't sexting, are playing golf...

  6. I saw double!
    The video is hilarious and I remember one other part in that movie that made me lmao

  7. I thought of the 'other scene' as well when I viewed your clip Odie.

    I wanted to say this story is getting out of hand but that terminology would not be accurate either,,,,,

  8. Weiner looks exactly like that ostrich...and that figures because it's a "bird".

  9. Odie..




  10. Christopher, I would go out of my way to give this guy crap.

  11. Ostrich is right - the Weinerbird buries its head up its ass.

  12. Sig94, The "Weinerbird" is how I have this photo labeled on my computer.

  13. Opie, I have so much fun making fun of this Democrap.

  14. This is a catastrophe of New York proportions.

  15. I watched that movie five times lol

    Closet Chris Elliot fan... no, I have no explanation for it lol

  16. RR, you have no reason to explain yourself here. Would someone with their head on straight create this blog?

  17. Tony Wiener needs to keep it zipped up. Soon we're going to have to start asking who hasn't seen his weiner?

  18. leave it to congress to just dick around... All we wanted was the naked truth, but not that kind from our elected officials.

  19. Madhat, Not only does this buffoon represent his district, but he votes on all matters important to you and me.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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