Thursday, June 23, 2011


 I'm singin' in the rain ....
 Officer, it's right here in my . . .
 Hey Lady !
This is nothin', wait til they come back and they're full.
 Who had the tape measure last?

Thank You David and Stopsign (H/T)


  1. I hate it when I forget the damn tape measure too...Top of the morning Odie! Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Down pours means you don't waste water with pre-rinse. It makes sense when you live in city that encourages its citizens to be Water Nazi Police.

  3. My kids have been asking about different street signs, one is about low overheard clearance. Hopefully they never make that mistake.

  4. Opie, as a telephone cable splicer it was my job once in awhile to assist in house moves. Ahead of time I was given the height of the house on wheels to be moved. I would measure all cable road crossings and splice in slack where needed. The day of the move we would assist the house movers getting under our stuff.

    These guys in the photo didn't do their prep work.

  5. The house puzzles me,,yes the movers screwed-up but I wonder why, if not historical (doubtful), this 'shed' really was being moved to begin with?

    I think tearing it down would have been much cheaper than the move so the stupid prize in this instance must go to the owner.

  6. lmbooooooooo Have a beautiful weekend my friend!:)

  7. LOL to that third photo! I've actually seen somebody do that in that parking lot although the individual behind the wheel never made it to the road without everything falling off the roof of the car.

  8. I don't think #3 could happen to me~ I may leave the purse and the bag on top but never my Star Bucks coffee.

  9. Cops used to do it alla time with walkie talkies. Bing Bang Boom and now 'splain it to a pissed off Sgt.

  10. Say what you will the guys on that motorcycle are amazing.

  11. I could just see me in the car going crazy because I can't find my handbag. I know people who moved their whole house to another location. Good thing they didn't hire this crew to do the job.

  12. Christopher, One man's junk is another man's treasure.

  13. On Watch, how long did it take you to pick all the things up?

  14. Stopsign, These days the Starbucks is worth more than the purse.

  15. Sig94, it's OK sergeants are like that.

  16. Trestin, Can they do the same act with the jugs full?

  17. Lady, no biggie, we'll just raise the bridge.


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