Sunday, June 5, 2011

English as a Second Language

It's too bad Arnold Schwarzenegger had this 
little misunderstanding because English isn't 
his native language.

About ten years ago, Arnold told Maria that 
the housekeeper wanted a raise.

Maria said, "Screw her."

Any simple-minded semi-literate Austrian 
could have made the same mistake, right?

Thanks David !


  1. Always listen to your wife...Heh.

  2. Good thing Arnie wasn't a carpenter.

  3. Arnold was just trying to prove he hadn't done steroids, as we all know that steroids make for a really small Anthony, I mean weiner...

  4. In the old days when a guy went out and found the ugliest girl in the bar, it was called "hogging". It could have been something like that too. Maria told Arnold that he just went for the starlets and Arnold picked a hog simply to show that wasn't true.

    Either way, Arnold proved his point.

  5. Born Again ... neener, neener, Weiner jokes huh.

  6. LL, Hogging is a new one on me. I just know it's a fact they all look good at closing time.

  7. Odie - "Hogging" is more or less the same thing as "going ugly early" rather than spending the evening in a fruitless effort to woo the hot women. Arnold, the steroid king never had that problem...until he met the maid. Beyond that I don't get it. Maybe it's an Austrian thing?

  8. LL, Austrian version of if it feels good do it.

  9. lmboooooooo but sad!..hope ya had a great weekend pal!

  10. I just don't know what to say. And I'm guessing Arnold didn't either.

  11. WHT, the weekend's over and the rain, last night, that had Noah's name on it turned to snow. It will be summer in two weeks ... right?


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