Monday, June 20, 2011

The Problem With Really Big Screen TVs


  1. Liquids and electronics don't mix. Maybe the man should install a tarp?

  2. I did some of that yesterday, Christopher, but have a small TV and no dog.

  3. That dog would have to go! lol

    Hope you had a good Father's Day

  4. Stopsign, when you gotta you gotta.

    Great thanks.

  5. Who could blame the dog for thinking the tree was real? The TV had a great picture resolution and did it's job in making the tree look real.

  6. That one is good enough to be a Superbowl commercial.

  7. Teresa, you're absolutely Right, that's why I peed on it too.

  8. Ok, my question is how long does it take to you find these things? I can always count on you to find the unusual.

  9. Was that Obama on the links? If so, maybe the dog missed his "real" target.


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