Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where To Celebrate The Busiest Shopping Day 3

Where else but at your favorite Wal~Mart !

 Luckily, they hang so low that a waist high garment is sufficient.
 Really? You couldn’t find one piece of clothing that fit? Not even one?
Where in the world would you be hiding if you were wearing this camouflage? Richard Simmons garden?
 That’s the weirdest rash I’ve ever seen…
 Blame what? The ankle bracelet? The dark roots? The Daisy Dukes?
 The worst shoplifter yet.
Please please let there be one there in his size.

THAT'S ALL FOLKS  .... Happy Shopping !

Thanks David !


  1. eeek that last photo looks a little bit like Barney Frank.

    bonks hap-happy, put some yay in your day, Sunday

  2. Pierro, I'm not sure about that. Thank goodness he would have to get dressed before I would know for sure. You do have a GREAT mind though.

  3. That camouflage get up on the woman is hiding the fact she is wearing 2 different socks.

  4. Supi, I'm so proud of you. You really study these WalMart photos. Where as the rest of us just look and laugh ... and hope we're not in them.

  5. If this were a contest, I'm thinking the lady with the "Blame it on the Alochol" shirt should win. (At least she is trying to blame it on something else)

  6. Ooops Odie, I meant "Alcohol" Psst! remind me to quit wearing that shirt.

  7. I think if you were near Richard Simmons garden you would want to hide too.

  8. ..Odie, I think after this series, I'm gonna opt for consuming the rest of my Lismore, stay at home, and hit it on "cyber Monday".

  9. stopsign, no one is graded on spelling here, or I couldn't post.

    JUST ADD BEER and I become a complete asshole, myself.

  10. Trestin, I have a set of Camos just like those.

  11. Oh my goodness! My eyes! Those pics hurt my eyes!

    Richard Simmons garden might be a scary sight.

  12. The worst part of this series is that they JUST KEEP COMING -- sort of like in a bad zombie movie.


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