Monday, November 15, 2010

Driving Miss Sarah


  1. Hmm Odie, we are both posting about Sarah? Must be something in the wind?

  2. Christopher, wind or water ... grab your water wings or sails. But then ... mine is really about BO.

  3. Supi, just as long as she sits in the back.

  4. Stopsign, thank you. Laughing is job one here.

  5. Excellent. And, yes, there's something in the wind.

  6. Can his widdle footsies even reach the pedals?

  7. innominatus, tough to say ... I don't see a cloud of smoke behind him.

  8. BHO doesn't look too happy driving Miss Sarah. I wonder if it's one of those little Volts he's cruising around in.

  9. Lady, it might be the car from the previous post.

  10. This is brilliant! The funny thing is you didn't have to dr. up the photo of his mean, fugly mug. What a miserable bum, he should be under the car, changing the tire, and the lifter breaks. I wouldn't trust him to drive our darling Miss Sarah anywhere. At the very least, she should put up one of those hidden glass partitions, so she wouldn't have to look at him.

  11. It is going to happen sooner than he thinks.

  12. Just Friends, Glad you could join us at this crazy place.

  13. Bunni, As always you describe things to a tee.


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