Friday, November 26, 2010

Where To Celebrate The Busiest Shopping Day

WalMart of course !

 So is the first hog his wife? If you don’t ride a Harley, what else could it mean?
See kids, this is what is known as an oxymoron. A statement that contradicts itself.
 Wonder how difficult it is to pick out the driver of this vehicle inside a typical Wal-Mart?
 Wow, when the Wal-Mart deli says their chicken is fresh, they really mean it.
 Keep digging sweetheart, you’re bound to find it in there somewhere.
I completely understand ... stand back ... WalMart sells beer.



  1. The rooster is nervous that it might end up on truck.

  2. I was perusing the Black Friday pics on Yahoo. It actually makes me a bit nauseated. At least so far no one has gotten killed...

  3. Supi, I'll bet he does better than all of the turkeys did yesterday.

  4. Adrienne, Not yet anyway, but then we'll have to watch the news tonight.

  5. The rooster is lucky he did not run into the guy with the truck!

  6. Christopher, That could still happen. There's just a little room over the back of the raccoon.

  7. Odie, you never fail to entertain.

  8. Opie, thank you ma'am, it's my job and I enjoy it so well.

  9. I've always wondered what would happen if went to Walmart, bought a bag of peanuts, pulled a lawn chair off the rack, sat down and just watched --- because my Walmart people are more or less the same.

  10. LL, I must say, if you do that you'll fit right in.

  11. Over in WV, two good ol' boys--Billy Bob and Johnny Ray (I'm not making this up!) stole a riding shopping cart from Walmart and drove it to a local strip club. They were arrested--Alcohol Was Involved---DUH

  12. Thanks Scott, I'll have to research that for a post. You got me ... I'm still laughing.

  13. HOw hilarious, Odie. Of course today is the perfect day for the morons of walmart post.
    I managed to avoid all of that mess. I didn't go shopping at all, which is a good thing.
    I hope your nite is great and you had lots of fun yesterday.

  14. Bunni, I avoid the Black Friday mess myself. A handsome guy like me could trampled and my good looks ruined.

  15. I heared that redneck news on WWVA radio--"The Bloomdaddy Experience" if that helps your research.

  16. Scott, you've really peaked my interest now.

  17. That truck sure would look good with my hat.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.