Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fun At The Zoo ...

When in Southern California, don't miss
the Los Angeles Zoo. When on the Freeways,
don't miss this back window.

(Or, what's the difference between the White
House and the Los Angeles Zoo?)


  1. Their isn't much difference. Their both lying but in different ways. I prefer the kind of lying which goes on at the L.A. Zoo. At least its not harmful to the American people.

  2. There isn't much difference. I do find the animals at the zoo antics don't send my blood pressure sky rocketing.

  3. Oh gosh, so true.

    Bonks to you Mr. Woodster. Say hi you Pen!

  4. Teresa, they need to enlarge the zoo for one more lyin.

  5. Supi, it sounds like you'd rather visit the zoo.

  6. LL, it came from your neck of the woods.

  7. Pierro, It sounds like we all need to spend more time at the zoo.

    Hello Pen ...

  8. Besides that,,I did not know Hummers were allowed in CA?

  9. Good one! The monkeys at the zoo have more class and manners than the one in the WH.

  10. Christopher, the hummer runs on BS instead of gas. There is plenty to go around in Cali.

  11. Christopher, to live here, is to know the taxing games.

  12. Righty, you would have hurt my feelings if it weren't so true.

  13. this on the way back to Grass Valley, did we?


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