Monday, November 22, 2010

Is There A Lighter Side To The TSA ?


  1. I guess there's something to laugh at, so long as you're the one who's not flying...

  2. Sure, they say they love you to get what they want, but they don't ever buy you dinner and they never call in the morning.

    The TSA sucks.

  3. Euripides, you're not really into those "One flight stands", huh.

  4. No, it's more of a fly by night affair.

  5. Where is Leslie Neilson, this could make good fodder for the 'Airplane' series.

  6. Sad about the loss of our freedoms. Hopefully, we will get them back someday.

  7. Christopher, Get started on that screen play ... someone will pick it up.

  8. Opie, I'm free to vote in two more years.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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