Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Oh My, It's Skipism Wednesday ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. Growing up I remember the local gas station where we got gas, filled up by an attendant, the mechanic was there and the owner was always present. As a kid, I enjoyed going with my mother to get gas. To this day, it is a great memory, why I am not sure, but those really were to good ole days when everything moved at a much slower, safer pace.

    1. GB, all of us who remember those days wish they were still with us.

  2. So uaw president Shawn Fein filed a lawsuit because of Trump and Musk's conversation.
    But nothing but crickets outta him when deere closed up the Waterloo factory and moved the jobs to mexico.
    That arsehole has a really funny way of showing he cares about the American worker.

    1. lg, union bosses don't care about the members. They only care about the graft they and the dems reap.

    2. I know. Just another reason I dropped out .

  3. Ole.

    PS Those prices lasted into the 60s. Check out Goldfinger when the spooks start chasing the car they think 007's in. Price at the gas station is 28. The Good Old Days really were.

    1. edutcher, the prices doubled when Nixon and Carter were president. Remember the gas lines?

    2. I remember paying .25 per gallon in SoCal back in '75 when I first got my license.

    3. Mike, then it doubled a couple of years later.

  4. #5 looks like my Granny's car.
    The last one gave me a good laugh. :-)
    Thank you Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, when II was a kid I had a neighbor across the street that had one.


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