Thursday, August 15, 2024

Libturd Thursday Is Here Yet Again ~ PM


Thanks FBers


  1. Most food items on that list are marked up a single digit percentage at the grocery store. Whole milk, as example is marked up as much as 3% and as low as 1.5%.
    Bread, eggs, and butter mark up very similar to milk. Artisan bread and ground coffee are 11 to 23%. Flour and sugar are single digit mark up.

    The real money, aside from alcohol, is spices, except table salt. Mark up on spices is 1,500 to 5,000%. But you don't use much compared to other food items.

    Just something to keep in mind when someone mouths off about greedy corps.

    1. I had a career in the grocery industry. Stores make their money on volume sales and then on float. Float is putting the money into the bank, earning interest, then paying your suppliers later. This works very well in inflationary times when interest rates are high, snd it works even better when your company controls most of the vertical channels. Which means the grocery company owns the delivery trucks, the food factories, and the farms that grow and raise the food they sell. It’s why few mom & pop food stores can survive, and why a couple dozen corporations own most of the grocery chains.


    2. Rick, the meme was about inflation, right?

    3. Drew, thanks. Now I know why I wasn't in that game.

    4. Yes, about inflation. My post was to show gov policies are to blame, not industry trying to make a buck.

      People who call out 'greedy' business are purposefully ignoring gov policies which create the mess.

    5. Rick, sorry about that. Yes, the government caused this mess we're living.

  2. No way can you market Kamala’s word salad dressing as there is a person of color on the label. Didn’t we remove all the racial labels to end racism? Lex

    1. Lex, good point, but dems always get special treatment.

  3. Replies
    1. edutcher, you too could enjoy your salad with dressing if you ate salad when your salad needed dressing.

  4. All true but damn! I'm gonna need the eye bleach for the first one.


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