Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Libturds Are Making History ...... All Bad ~ AM


Thanks FBers


  1. Zippy isn't running anything. He's an errand boy like Joe and the Ho.

    1. edutcher, but he's still there and that bothers me.

    2. just a mouthpiece to the libtard community for Soros and Gates

    3. #2 is the best one I've seen, but my SIL still can't understand it

    4. boron, it seems to point that way, but I think the group behind him is much larger.

    5. boron, he'd better understand it soon.

  2. One wonders if there is a single Democrat anywhere in the world who voted for Biden in the primary that understands that his vote doesn't matter and the Party doesn't care what he thinks. They'll tell you who the nominee is. And by the way thanks for the meme postings. The existence of these memes is an indication that there are still signs of intelligent (if slightly sarcastic) life in the universe!

  3. OH, these are SO SO GOOD I can't pick a fave! You cheered me up today!!

    1. Z You Wonderful Lady, I kept thinking, the last few days, I needed to visit you. You showed up here instead.

      So glad I could cheer you up.

  4. Knocked it out of the park again, Odie. You are the Sgt. Donny Donowitz of meme land - Many Thanks.


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