Friday, August 16, 2024

Funderwhoopee Friday ~ Burnt Toast


One evening my mother made dinner after a hard day's work. She put a plate of eggs and burnt toast in front of my father ...

I immediately noticed, the burnt toast .... 

And, I was waiting to see if he was going to complain about it, but my father started to eat them, smiling and asked me how I spent my day at school ...

My mom apologized to my dad for the burnt toast. 

I will never forget his response to her: 

“Honey, I love burnt toast!"

Later when I went to bed and my dad came over to kiss me goodnight, I asked him if he really liked the burnt toast?

He hugged me and said, "Your mother has had a difficult day and she is really tired. 

She went out of her way to prepare this meal for us, why blame her and hurt her.

Burnt toast never hurt anyone; but words can be very painful! "

We have to know how to appreciate what others do for us, even if it's not perfect, because it's the intention to do well that counts, and no one is perfect ... 


  1. To the ones you love kindness is an investment.

  2. And dad knew he didn't have to make dinner. That alone will forgive much.

  3. Wonderful post, Odie. Thank you.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. My ending is a bit different: "Burnt toast never hurt anyone; but words can be very painful! But not as painful as the spoon she stabbed me with the last time I complained about it. "

    1. millerized, the version I'm familiar with is, it was a butter knife what got him.


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