Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fish Til We Catch Something ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ B


Other Fishing Buddy Rule 5 ers:


  1. My son was a wrestler in high school, he had been wrestling since 2nd grade. He was 6 to 8 percent body fat from the time he was 14 till his mid 20's. Girls gravitated to him in HS. He quickly figured out most were shallow and taking a girl fishing on a first date became his litmus test. His senior year he latched on to a girl that he thought was the "total package". They went off to college together and secretly eloped. Their ideal date night was going fishing. She easily out shines all listed in a bikini.

  2. #5 is missing her fish, not that I'm complaining

    1. Matthew, she's trolling for guys. You'd better get in line.

  3. More hooters, more fish smells?

  4. Think I'd like 6 to bait my hook.


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