Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Two Items This Post ...


All of you make it fun!
( yesterday about 3:00 PM)

As I'm sure you've heard the Lake Tahoe Area has been
visited by old Jack Frost. There have been a lot of inquiries
as to how I'm doing. Well, I'm as tired as hell. Two weeks ago
we received 4 feet of snow, and this last storm, you have
been hearing about, has been brutal. First day was 6" of
100 pound a shovel full wet crap. The next day brought us
a colder 2 feet, and the next 2 feet, and finally yesterday 3 feet.
I now live in a mobile home park, and there's just no
place to put it all. Thank goodness my roof is now shoveled.
 The Donner party ended up close to here you know.
Here are some pictures.
Here's my front yard ... What do you think?

Here's my next door neighbor's place.

Our street

Our street the other way

My driveway and side yard. There's a shed behind
my place I need to get to. Honda Snowblower - ATTACK!

Finally, this is the railing of the front deck.
That railing is six feet above the front yard.
This December has set an all time record. Donner
Summit has received 194 inches this December. 


  1. Look at all that global warming going on!

  2. Here in Western NY its been pretty nice, only have about a 1/2 inch on the ground

  3. Listen, dude, I dunno how often you get wet snow, but I was raised just outside Philadelphia, where the snow is so wet, people carry an umbrella. That's a heart attack from Heaven.

    I know we're all as tough as we were when we were 20, but get somebody else to blow the snow. Or shovel it.

    Preferably the US President of Vice. It's her one area of expertise.

    1. edutcher, here we call it "Sierra Cement".

      I did hire out the roof.

  4. Sorry to hear/see your snow attack..hopefully there are some younger men who will shovel/move your snow for of the hardest things I've encountered in the last couple of years is "knowing/understanding/admitting/and learning to let the torch be passed to my much younger sons and their friends to do the heavy lifting...they seem o enjoy it also...we Texans went through a snow event last February with about 3-4 inches..although all realized it was very minimal it shut down our area and some are still complaining..I can't even begin to imagine the amount you're experiencing...Take care my friend

    1. Unknown, I did hire someone to shovel my roof. He's a 35 year old tough as nails hulk. There were four crews working in here shoveling roofs, but there's 120 of us. The problem here is that everyone is in the same boat, so you move the shit outta the way or don't get groceries. We old folks take our time and help each other. It's a great block to live on!

  5. That's too much snow man. Hope it gets better for y'all.

    1. Kid, It's snow out there now. Maybe an inch and not much is predicted. We have four days of sunshine starting tomorrow.

  6. You remind me of a long time favorite "Far Side" cartoon. Do ya'll remember the infamous "Donner Party Snow Globe? OK. A little dark perhaps, but hilarious.

  7. Wow, that's a lot of snow, but I'm glad you're okay. Hubby was amazed by your photographs too. We both agreed that we don't want to live in snow country.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥

    1. Sandee, something in your words ended you up in the spam folder. Oops, sorry about that.

      I don't know if I want to live in snow country anymore ... LOL.

  8. It was 79 Fahrenheit at my house yesterday, 12/28/2021. Not much snow.

    1. It's now 80 F here today and probably still rising.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Made it to 81 today. Possible storms, but still no snow.

    4. Oops, wait. It got up to 82 today.

    5. Jeff, Now you're just showing off. It's 13 here right now, could you handle it?

    6. Yes I am guilty, but I can't claim credit. It's sposed to be in the 20s here in a few days. I used to duck hunt in those temps but the onerous hunting regs and lack of ducks turned me off.

    7. New Year's Day. 81 F before noon...

    8. 86 F yesterday. Really. Sleeting today.

  9. That's a lot of snow! I hope you can get some rest!

  10. YIKES!
    That looks like what we get here in North Maine!
    Is it cold to the touch, and disappears as soon as it is warmed?
    If so, IT'S SNOW....
    I feel for ya.
    That's a lot of snow all at once.
    I gotta tell ya, though, our friends went to Vegas with us, and we took a side trip to San Fran Freakshow via Reno.
    We stopped at the rest area, and he was asking me about the Donner party.
    I told him that a group of pioneers got snow bound there and had to eat each other to survive, and not in the good way.

    1. Handy Handsome, They split into two groups. The Donners were stuck where Prosser Lake is now. The other group were hold up at the east end of Donner Lake. Look it up on your map.


    1. Unknown, Thank you. We used to get my son the yearly Far Side flip calendar every Christmas and I still can't remember that one.

  12. Impressive amounts of snow. Good luck.

    1. Unknown, Indeed, and I should break through to the shed today.


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