Friday, December 10, 2021

It's Fun Friday ~ 2

 Thanks FBers


  1. Amen to that last one. I fondly remember when my whole head had hair, not just a thin fringe.

    1. Feral Ferret, I embrace my baldness because the Mrs. has always loved it. I've been Bald since the age of 21 and now I'm 74.

  2. Like the last one the very best. Man buns look stupid.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Odie. ♥

  3. Those cows are not looking at her eyes...

    1. "Udderly insufficient" is what they're thinking.
      Man buns. When I see a woman with her hair up like that I ask my wife, "Hey is she allowed to wear a man bun? Isn't that gender appropriation or something?"
      Yeah, I always get smacked or "the look" for saying it.

      The tricycle: first thought was "I wonder how fast?" Second: "no brakes!"

    2. mer, I would have to add, hers are a much better presentation.

  4. @ Kid
    "poor thing! can't give much milk."

  5. Maxwell Smart and Agent 99! :)
    Oh yes. The grocery store. I may resemble that. :)
    Actually, it's on the back of the roll. ;-)
    You all have a blessed weekend, Odie! :)

    1. LindaG, they redid our grocery store about three months ago. We're just now finding things. And that's two old people going down every aisle.

  6. All great, but LaForge, Max, and adulthood are standouts and the man bun is the kicker.


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