Wednesday, December 29, 2021

. . . And Now Some Wednesday Afternoon Skipisms


Thanks Skip!


  1. Is that Christmas Island?

    And 1940's better.

    1. edutcher, there you go, Christmas has its own island.

  2. I bet I could have out foot raced that bridge, I would have ample motivation...
    Even ladies from the 1940s are looking like slut puppies now, I have seen some tatted up old hags. I would still have Betty White talk dirty to me, she was a hand full.

  3. I am late to this party, so please tell me who Skip is!

    1. Dave Bagwill, you're not late, you're just the first to ask. He's a very kind hearted reader that sends me material to post.

  4. #4 I was taught how to roll a fire hose like that by hand in Air Force Fire School in the summer of 1976.

  5. Good thing no one was on that bridge.

    1. Hell Kid, who do you think passed that sparkler that fast?

  6. PS - I saw more than a few of those women when out shopping a couple days ago. Yep.

    Makes me wonder how really overweight women think they're going to look better with a crew cut dyed dark blue and red with tattoos that look like silly putty image grabs from a comic book..

  7. Unfortunately, the Betty White meme didn't age well. RIP, Betty.


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