Sunday, December 26, 2021

Happy Funday and Some Leftover Christmas Memes ~ 1


Well it was white out conditions at the old homestead

yesterday. It was decided that our Christmas celebration

would be postponed. We all love life and didn't want

to add to the crazy drivers in snow country. 

Thank You Joyce, Skip, and FBers


  1. I don’t know exactly why but those tyrannosaurus’ make me automatically laugh whenever I see one. Thanks for the funnies!

    1. Hell yeah. the one about "if your gingerbread house is bad, add a T-Rex" awesome.

      Oh, those are "donuts" but "snownuts"

  2. Odie, the Woodman, ya forgot to wrap the rest of that cat, the only good cat is a completely wrapped and still cat. My ankle-biter approves.

    1. Some cats are ok. Most cats are aholes and they know they are.
      "Oh you forgot to clean my litter box? Well I think your shoes look like a fine place to pee"

      But the good cats are almost as good as dogs.

  3. We had a wet Christmas. Nowhere near as much fun.

    1. edutcher, this storm stopped being fun days ago. Another two feet this morning.

  4. Glad to know you are still hanging in there. We have a little snow, and a little sunshine!

  5. Thanks bunches for all the fun, Odie! Here's to hoping you and yours have a mighty fine Yuletide celebration, no matter how long it takes! God Bless Us Everyone!


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