Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Happy Veterans Day To Those That Also Belong To Club DD-214


The young me above on the way to Nha Trang

from Pleiku. This was one of my many scrounging

missions. Below me as I look now 51 years later.

Now something special:

Happy Veteran's Day to all of my brothers and sisters out there!  


  1. Thank you for your service Sir.
    Scott in Ohio, a daily Lurker

  2. Happy Birthday day late sir.Thanks for your service decades late,,Marc ear Buffalo NY,,daily lurker as well.

  3. Great post. Thanks for your service and wishing you a Happy Birthday.
    I bet 'ol Sex Pot could pull the hinges off hell!

  4. Great story!

    Thank-you for answering your country's call. Good work soldier!

  5. Just tried to post a Vet picture from Mr Woodsterman and give credit for the source...
    Come to find out Mr Woodsterman is verboten according to Farce-book...

    They aren't even trying to hide their decent into Fascist Rule...


    MSG Grumpy

  6. Scott, thank you, and glad to have you lurking.

  7. Arc Eye, thank you Sir! It's great to meet some of the Woodsterman Lurkers.

  8. Jeffery, She was a great truck, and indeed tough as nails.

  9. wsomarine, I would say by your name a thank you, to you, is Also in order. THANK YOU MARINE!

  10. MSG Grumpy, LOL! Yes I've lost my posting of this blog privileges at Facebook. They deem it unsavory. If you wish you can copy and paste it, but they won't except this address.

  11. Bill, sounds like we are brothers. Thank You Sir!

  12. Thank you for your service.
    And being banned from FB is a badge of honor.

  13. MSG Grumpy, I've posted it here and Facebook hasn't figured out that address yet. I have many blogs:

  14. Stevenn, thank you Brother! Welcome Home!

  15. Old Tech, thank you! Facebook is a challenge but I slipped this post by them this morning by posting it here with a FB LINK:

    It's Facebook proof.

  16. You handsome devil! Happy Veterans Day to all who served and are serving and may God bless them all.

  17. Thank you Odie and for all you do today also.

  18. Mrs Smith knew a few things about loyalty, After a bad fall in Vegas, her husband, 77 Sunset Strip actor, Roger Smith, stuck by her. When he developed myesthenia gravis, she stayed with him to the end.

    She was, and is, a class act.

    And a big Hooah to you. You still serve this country.

  19. Thank you for your service, Odie.

    Have a fabulous Veterans Day. ♥

  20. Thank you for your service.

    ...and my respect for Ann has increased immensely.

  21. Happy Veterans Day to all who served. I spent some time not far from Nha Trang and did make a one day trip there to pick up some equipment. I was about one year behind Woodsterman, serving with the Navy Seabees, sometimes it still seems like yesterday.
    I never got to see Bob Hope and Ann Margret but we did get occasional USO shows by copy bands from the Philippines. You aint heard music until you've heard "Take me home country roads" sung by Filipino girls.
    But they brightened our day God Bless em.
    Think I'll go call an old friend that was there with me.
    I raise my glass to all that served.

  22. What a wonderful post! And many thanks to you for your selfless gift to our country.

  23. Thank you for your service sir.

  24. Thank you for your Service Odie !!

  25. Ah Sweet Pea, you turn my head. Thank you so much!

  26. edutcher, I've been in love with that woman since "Pocketful of Miracles."

    Thank You!

  27. TVMA Doc, She's a National Treasure.

    Thank you!

  28. Dave Jiles, thank you also. I also saw those shows and never the big ones. They were a hoot, but quite enjoyable. Did you get the strippers too?

  29. Odie, you, me, and all the other vets did good..

  30. I wish I had that 5-Tonner here and now, make it into a righteous camper... and I could burn any fuel I could scrounge.

  31. 20 years after left the Air Force - DaNang, 1971 - I applied for a certain relief program from the local gov't office here in Southern ORegon. The lady that helped me was efficient and kind, and to my very great surprise, when we were done, she stood and took my hand and said 'thank you for your service'. Hey - I'm not much of a crier, but that simple gesture of thankfulness was the first one I had ever gotten, and it almost undid me.
    I'm sure many of us have had similar experiences.

  32. Cederq, I looked into buying a decommissioned deuce and a half when I got out for the same reason you wanted a 5 ton.

  33. Dave, I think I waited a bit longer than that. You're right, it felt great. Welcome Home!

  34. Facebook cops were here at the house today asking A LOT OF QUESTIONS about YOU ol' man. I didn't give ya up, though. All's good in the hood.

    Go regular Army brutha...


  35. Joe, They've been on my tail for days. Some dirty rat squealed and I'm gonna rub him out.

    Thanks My RA pal. I was drafted and was lucky and served 20 1/2 months. Early out from Vietnam.

  36. You're just as cute today as 51 years ago, Odie. (Down girl!)

    Love ya...

  37. Hey, even a deuce and a half would be okay too! I looked into a couple of years ago and decomed one in good condition and they wanted a small fortune..

  38. Happy veterans day. Same to all your vet readers. Thank you for doing your part.

  39. First of all Thank You for Your Service. It means more to most of us than words can ever express. No higher level of respect can be earned. Secondly if that story didn't choke you up then you haven't ever really thought about what our armed forces men and women gave up and sacrificed. By you I mean your readers.My father who served told me I had a smart mouth and could never serve. I am pretty sure they would have fixed quick, fast and in a hurry. By the time I felt the call and wanted to join I had broke both hips and was no good to them. I still regret not serving my country as my father and most of my uncles did. I will serve here to my dying day in our homeland if our Constitution is breached or unAmerican ideas are forced upon us. Standing Ready

  40. Adrienne, you do this old man more good than you know. (Be still my heart!)

  41. Cederq, if I remember when I was looking the new ones to the Army were only $8875.00. I never followed through though.

  42. Thank You Ned Eastwood, and we're glad you're there too. When "it" comes you can sit on the hill with us because a lot of us don't move well. We'll be put up there by the young ones with our scopes.

  43. Thank You for your service to our country.
    You haven't aged a bit, ya still look like trouble...


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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