Sunday, January 3, 2016

Trust for 2016 . . . .

And there you have it!


  1. I can't even stand looking at a picture of that evil man. This year is going to be horrific. I vote for anyone who says they will throw out all of Odumbos executive actions.

  2. I don't like either one of these people. So here's how I see it. We have a horrible president and he beat out Hellery. So we're supposed to settle for 2nd place for the next four years. Good grief.

    Have a terrific day Odie. I linked you to Silly Sunday even though this post is scary. ☺

  3. Yes, well, maybe, um..., I can't decide...

    Do I trust the Hildabeast more than him...

  4. Adrienne, I believe there are only a couple candidates that have said that. Hmmm, why is that do you think?

  5. edutcher, trust is earned and they ain't done that!

  6. I know about that Mexican Tap Water. Quickest was to cure constipation!

  7. Hillary Clinton "Lies Like Crazy"!

  8. I don't follow much about American politics it's bad enough with our own in the UK ..shudders", but that Hilary Clinton gif is hilarious LOLOL

    Have a tanfastic week :-)

  9. Take however much I don't trust Obama, multiply that by 3,264, and that is the amount that I don't trust Hillary. It's math. Believe it.

  10. There's nothing wrong with gas station sushi, as long as you bait your hook with it properly and wash your hands afterward. Now, the fish you catch? They shouldn't trust it or they'll get Obama'd every time.

  11. Ron, that's where I go if I'm constipated.

  12. Timothy, great headline. Now if we can only get someone to print it.

  13. Euripides, one day you'll have to explain how you came up with "3,264".

  14. Grunt, and I know how much we all hate getting "Obama'd".


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