Monday, January 18, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXXII


  1. OMG@ that chinese food Woodsy! LOL Have a beautiful Monday my friend! xoxox

  2. Love them both. Awww. I love your take on Awww Mondays too.

    Have a woof woof and purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

  3. WHT, Back in my telephone company days my crew was on loan in Auburn, CA. We were eating at a Chinese buffet, and all of a sudden there were "Meows" coming out of the kitchen. It was out of business a month later ... go figure.

  4. you are too funny! Have a great week!

  5. It was our local Mexican food place that got caught serving cat. Hmmmm.

  6. Gruntessa got a good laugh out of the sailor story yesterday, but I'm not even showing her this one! But I'm getting pretty good at telling the difference between Kung Pao Tabby and Mugu Chinchilla. Most important conclusion: The guinea pig does NOT taste like pork!

  7. I always like the Chinese restaurants that put the message "No, we don't know where your cat is" on their advertising signs.

  8. Proof they mean they don't know which plate.

  9. Nothing is worse than cold Pussy! Hell just couldn't resist that corny remark. Haven't been too good these last few days----fell into a vat of that Russian Whiskey (some call it vodka)!

  10. With six cats currently in my house I can see where that idea for Chinese food comes from and where my two big dogs would agree with a handshake ;)


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