Monday, January 4, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXX


  1. That's pretty brilliant and they are cute too. I love your take on Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  2. Cats are smart -- and conniving. Mr. AOW and I know so for a fact. We have three cats, and two of them are too smart for their own good.

  3. Our kitteh knows how to open the bi-fold door going into the bedroom. And she's gone after doorknobs, but with thumbs, it's sort of hard.

  4. We had a couple of Yorkie pups that did that.

    Their mother was so smart, she figured out she could push one of the roller chairs over to the counter, hop up, scavenge anything left out, and the push the chair back.

    And we thought the vet was kidding when she said, "Genius dog".


  5. Awww... A neat find for the Monday stuff, Woody.

  6. AOW, that's why we never replaced our last cat of 17 years.

  7. Smell something fishy here. Or just maybe the cats did! Been sick with the flu, maybe I'm over the hump!

  8. Ron, Humps are good. Glad you're feeling better.

  9. That is cool. So, is AOW calling her third cat some kind of village idiot kitty? That's not very nice. ;)

  10. Grunt,
    Our 3rd cat is not an idiot! Mysti is the Mighty Huntress, with better hunting skills than our other 2 cats.

  11. BTW, Mysti is 16.5 years old and in retirement. A retirement well earned!

  12. AOW, Oh no, is Grunt in trouble ... again?

  13. AOW, When cats get to be that age up here they drop there guard and become the hunted.

  14. Oh, man! Sorry to insult your Misti, AOW! That's a regal age for a hunting cat, and something to be proud of. I'm very jealous, actually. Our tabby is completely useless when it comes to any prey or vermin, and if she were allowed to stay outside overnight, she would surely fall victim to even the most arthritic, retarded barn owl or crippled fox.

  15. Hey, Grunt!

    I am not the least bit offended or insulted.

    But I am defensive of Mysti these days. She has chronic renal failure and won't be with us much longer. She's on special food and an probiotic for CRF -- and has earned the extra care.

  16. If cats had opposable thumbs, we'd be in big trouble.

  17. now this is one smart kitty! Love it!

  18. Grunt, our last cat was a great hunter living until he disappeared when he was 17. I think a coyote got him.


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