Friday, January 15, 2016

The Brain Surgeon


  1. Foster Brooks has always been one of my favorites.

    What do you call someone without a brain? A politician! Bwwwwwwhaaaaaaa

  2. Those were the days.

    That I recall this means I'm ancient.

  3. Foster needs to update his material to reflect today's reality: what do you call someone without a brain?

    a) a liberal
    b) a Democrat
    c) all of the above
    d) other

  4. Loved their routines. Dean had a terrible time keeping a straight face most of the time.

    Love the politician part.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. LL, Mrs. Woodsterman and I saw him in person around 1975 in Las Vegas. He was the warm up act for Robert Goulet.

  6. Sandee, The best part of those was seeing if Dean Martin could keep a straight face,

  7. That's funny! Ben Carson is a brain surgeon, too!

  8. Those were the good days of comedy when folks like Martin and Brooks had to think on their feet, despite the whiskey.

  9. I always liked Foster Brooks

  10. It seems that Dean Martin hated politicians, too.

  11. AOW, like us he preferred the citizen congressman.


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