Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Van . . . . and Two More / Three-fer Thursday

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one
useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or
more is a congress. - - - John Adams


How do you know when it is time to "hang up the car keys"?


The Daughter . . . . 

My daughter just walked into the living room and said:
"Dad, cancel my allowance immediately,
rent my room out,
throw all my clothes out of the window,
take my TV, and stereo, and iPhone, and iPod, and my laptop.
Please take all of my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters. Then sell my new car, take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house." Then disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will.

Well, she didn't put it quite like that.. she actually said...

"Dad I have decided to work for Obama’s reelection campaign."
Author Unknown, but a great man!


  1. Most kids are terribly stupid in their youth. By the time they start figuring it out they are far behind.

  2. Another youth heads to the dark side...

  3. ..Odie,

    Your new Walmart series is terrific! I stole the pitcher of MOOCH-ELLE with the huge white butterfly on her chest..

    ..but with attribution, of course.

    Thanks for digging this stuff up and do not despair about Michelle Bachmann; she'll drop out of the race and go back to the House as a fire-breather.

    I agree with all the sentiments here about Romney being a RINO but I will not mind voting for him because he will probably pick Cain as a running mate and the (R) House and (R) Senate (and we, the great unwashed mob) will keep him squared away.

    Anyway, it will be an interesting 2012.

  4. Makes me wanna go buy a big white van.

  5. TWP, go ahead and steal it. Hell, I stole it too.

  6. Inno, buy that one. The work's been done for you.

  7. I would kick her out too! Wonder if her dad would take me in? I've decided to unelect Obama! Is it possible to "unelect" someone?

  8. Stopsign, they say dogs can sense earthquakes coming too.

  9. That is exactly the same look that I saw on some old dog's face as his old master slammed broadside into my van some years back...Semi true story...the old guy was turning left on a right facing one way street..and bang! I wish his dog had been there there to warn him.

  10. Well Scott, it's what they call, "Oh Crap!"


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