Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hi Jack !


  1. Never hi jack Jack eh? Good one!

  2. Brilliant!

    Thanks; this is a rough morning and I needed that laugh! :)

  3. That was a good one! That will teach that slime to use F & F guns to try and rob ppl.

  4. Odie: The kid's bus was delayed an hour today and my youngest was actively tempting me to duct tape her entire head with her whining.

    That, and we just found out that my hubby's cousin's husband just beat her in front of her two very young kids, so we'll be driving a state over to get her.

    I guess he thinks beating someone smaller than you is OK, and even worse his SPOUSE. Maybe he doesn't realize that there are folks bigger than him...

    Sometimes... Ugh.

  5. WOW Brooke, you really did need a laugh. I hope the cousin's husband is in jail by the time you get there.

  6. May all car jackers find that fate.

  7. Great one, Odie! Beware if hi Jack.


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