Monday, October 10, 2011

They Can't Be At Walmart All the Time II

Thanks David !


  1. The look on that kid's face says it all.

    And that guy has a bro... For his moobs.

  2. Where did you get that picture of me as a youth at Strictly Victoria's?

  3. Randy, I thought it was a science class.

  4. The last photo? Exhibitionism and voyeurism (video camera and binoculars).

    Arrest him and the kids' parents as that is definitely neglect letting him come even within eye shot of the perv.

  5. Christopher, he is dressed, but in bun huggers. It probably is a San Francisco event called "Get Acquainted".

  6. It's "Take Your Kids to Occupier Day"...Real family fare.

  7. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Woodsterman

  8. Does that one guys shirt really say Want Woman? He better give up on that dream~
    Thanks Odie, I really needed a laugh today :)

  9. Scott, it doesn't get any better than that.

  10. That poor kid! He's gonna need some brain bleach after seeing that thing. It's not safe outside Wal-Mart either.

  11. WHT please don't cover your eyes you might miss something.

  12. "want Woman" guy will at least cut out a lot of smalltalk.

  13. Banned, I agree with you. It's a boon to the art of picking up chicks. And where else would you put it but the "Man Bra".

  14. When my father worked at the Metrobus garage in SE D.C., he had to chain his vehicle to a tree or a telephone to keep the vehicle from being stolen.

    In 1970!

    SE D.C. is much worse now.

    I will have to keep watch on my vehicle once I get that side view mirror replaced today. Yes, I am armed.

    Call me a proactive victim. Heh.


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