Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Parting Shot Follow Up

I believe I mentioned this might happen. One of
you asked to see it. Well, here it is, the first snow
of the season. Summer is officially over in the
Sierra Nevada Mountains. It's starting to clear up
now, and this stuff should be gone shortly. Old Man
Winter is just trying to remind we Truckeeites where
we live. It's coming back to me now.

As a side note Dudes and Dudettes, I am trying to catch up
on the reading of your blogs. On my "Trip", the internet
was far below what it should of been at a luxury hotel and
RV park. I and other guests were on the warpath and the
hotel is evaluating their continued association with their
internet provider.


  1. Thank for the reminder of what is coming...I owe you.

  2. Crud Odie. I was trying for denial that the leaves were falling and the furnace was coming on and here you went and ruined it. Didn't we just get rid of it?

  3. I can't wait to get back home in the snow.

  4. It is beautiful to see frozen sunshine after the summer we had here. Now if the rest of the snow season for you remains about that much for each snow dump you will be a happy camper.

  5. Ah rats. We're already going into the twenties tonight in the higher elevations. We average about 120" of snow a year in CNY.

  6. Beautiful!

    I do love the snow -- but only if I don't have to drive in it. Drivers here in the D.C. area cannot handle snow.

  7. Those pics are beautiful.

    Reminds me of the old days on the internet. There were these things called "blinkies" which were really little internet bumper stickers for use on forums. I always remembered the one that said, "this thread is useless without pictures". Indeed, the picture says it all. Brrrr!

  8. Still pleasantly warm here in England, the leaves are still on the trees although our much heralded Indian Summer lasted about 3 days.

  9. Fuzzy, you can have mine. Oh another three inches last night.

  10. Deb, the weather patterns seem to hit us about the same ... good luck it's here.

  11. Supi, last year we got about 20 feet at my house. They're saying we could see that again this year.

  12. Sig94, watch out for that global warming, it's a bitch.

  13. Oh Watch, I used to hear about your DC drivers on the Don and Mike Show. Stay off of the belt-way. I do miss Don and Mike.

  14. Those are wonderful pictures! I really miss the snow.

  15. Opie, there's 3 inches out there this morning ... burr, let games begin.

  16. Banned, that's right, the leaves on the tress here are all still green. I'd better check my little aspen.

  17. Admiral, I'll ship you some if you like.

  18. I took some time off to track deer in the WV hills of my youth. I have been neglectful in my reading this week myself. Bow season has begun here, and I am relied on for my instilled knowledge of all the old tracks. But here it was just soaking wet and COLD.

  19. I don't mind the snow as long as we don't get snowed in. Paying Anderson Excavating to haul it's front loader out here is not my favored way to spend my money.

  20. Adrienne, I lucked out when the house next door was built. My next door neighbor is in the business, so I get my berm cleaned up for free most times. The city plow likes to berm me in about once an hour during a storm. The Honda does the rest.


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