Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Greedy Libs" From Wild Bill

We have a last minute fill in for Jodi.
She's MIA ... Thanks Wild Bill !


  1. I was introduced to Bills channel via Concervative Perspective a few days ago, he is a perceptive and funny guy.

  2. Whether we defeat them at the ballot box or not, I believe we will have to defeat them on the streets. Maybe before the 2012 election. I've believed this for about 30 years, that it would come to this. I just thought it would be after my lifetime.

  3. Even die-hard Commies are starting to get embarrassed by the Occupiers. Today I talked to one who has switched his allegiance from Obama to Ron Paul.

    Castro is still one of his heroes though. I doubt they'd understand that in Orlando.

  4. I just spent two days trying to explaining to them why the cannot let Neo-Nazis have a voice in their movement. I think that sums it up.

  5. Banned, I found him awhile back too. He is great huh.

  6. Deekaman, They're taught this crap in school. Maybe we should start by removing the school boards.

  7. Rightly, they're not embarrassed enough. If I was a New Yorker, I'd be embarrassed by my Mayor.

  8. Trestin, there's no telling this group anything ... they want your STUFF.

  9. Stopsign, it's at the bottom where it says "Write in Candidate".


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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