Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hangover Finalists

I had to doctor a couple of things ...

Thanks David !


  1. I HATE worshiping the porcelain god. Maybe that's one reason that I very rarely drink too much.

    I'm not a good puker. Really. I won't go into the gross details.

  2. The first time you get really, really sick you never want to touch another drop! LOL!

    Can't say I've ever managed to pull off something like #3. That puts planking to shame!

  3. On Watch, thank you for sparing us that one.

  4. Really I can't tell at all that you had to Dr a few things up..Doesn't every woman have black marker on her boobies :)

  5. These look like the loons from Occupy Wallstreet! Good job, Odie.

  6. When I was young and stupid, the internet was still very primitive so there are no pics like this of me on the web. But it doesn't mean it never happened.

  7. Oh to be young and dumb again...

  8. Bunnikins, that's where these photos were taken.

  9. Inno, you woke up at those strange places too?

  10. I miss that...What was it that I miss? I forget so much...Oh well...That guy in the street; He has to be from Germany or Ireland. Probably Germany...An Irishman would have made it to the curb.

  11. My head hurts jsut looking at those...

    Just for the record.. how do you think this guy feels in the morning?

  12. My "strange place" was my dorm room. It involved one of those *really big* jugs of cheap Carlo-Rossi red wine and a really messy clean-up the next day. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks. But whatever your imagination comes up with, it won't be as bad as reality was that day.

    (And I don't even like wine. What was I thinking?)

  13. Scott, and the OWSer would have pissed himself.

  14. Never got quite that bad. But did catch myself holding on to a spinning bed in my teen years!

  15. Whooo Pissed, that guy is REALLY going to hurt.

  16. Inno, mine was Red Mountain Wine and Colt45. Ouch that just hurt typing this.

  17. Ron, the spins were the worst.

    Don't worry Boyz and Girlz ... there's more!

  18. I really don't miss getting that drunk anymore. It did not seem all that bad years ago. Now I think it would kill me.

  19. Admiral, I'm still studying that hypothesis.

  20. WOW Pissed...That guy on the hill would be dead at the bottom in a ditch where I live.


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