Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hangover Finalists ... 3

And the winner is . . . . . 

Thanks David !


  1. Pictures of the OWS protesters eh? Any wonder why they can't find work?

  2. The photo with the watermelon -- that could be Mr. AOW. He can eat more watermelon than anyone else I know.

  3. The meat sack or the bare breasted one just goes to prove alcohol is not your friend , ever.

  4. This iPad thing let's me enlarge pics, like the woman's chest. So a drunk woman on a park bench doesn't bother me! **wink**

  5. Oh, my eyes, those really were BAD!
    I bet those people will give up drinking for a few days after all that!

    Hopefully there aren't alot of hung over peeps after all the Halloween Parties last night ;-)

  6. Randy, they're working for George Soros, one of the evil 1% ... go figure.

  7. On Watch, if that looks like Mr. AOW, what's he put on his water melon?

  8. Admiral, especially when they all wake up.

  9. Mr. AOW, I can send you one without the black "Corrections".

  10. Bunni, were there a lot of parties last night? Damn, I never get invited any more.

  11. wow that hurt..LOL Have an awesome Sunday my friend~! :-)

  12. OMG~ If they don't give up drinking after this~then they never will.

  13. Drunk on watermelon! I made some great watermelon wine in my youth! Lived in a "dry" county in Mississippi---it was that or the bootlegger!

  14. Ron, watermelon wine? Never had any, but it's never to late to try some.

  15. This group is worst than the last one. You can get a hangover just looking at them.

  16. I'd like to know what makes park benches look so comfortable to some folk. I never found them so, personally.

  17. I Lost the taste for it about four years ago. now I only drink on birthdays, funerals (wakes), and Election Days...Wait a minute ...That could be every day...just kidding.

  18. Scott, I only drink on special occasions like 5 o'clock.


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