Sunday, September 26, 2010

OH NO ... Not Again


  1. Great work Odie!

    hey, i have not heard much about that race in CA, who is ahead in the polling? Please tell me Whitman.

  2. Whitman was ahead before, but a recenr poll showed Brown w a small lead. Scary.

  3. Opie, it's the younger people and the unions that support that slim ball. That guy never met a government paycheck he didn't like. He's already talking about tax hikes ... oh with voter approval of course. This guy is California's Mayor Daley.

  4. Brown will try and keep the welfare coming even though the state is bankrupt. He'll dig CA in a little deeper if elected. I don't have faith that anyone can turn California around. It's a sad state of affairs.

    This is a grand example of what happens when the "entitled" outnumber those paying for the entitlements. They're in a position to keep looting through voting.

  5. LL, yes that's it in a nutshell. The takers outnumber the givers. Businesses are running away as fast as they can to other states. The illegals DEMAND their fair share of welfare to the tune of $32,000,000,000.00 a year. AND, worst of all, the libs want to give them more.

  6. No. Do not elect this guy.
    He has been around too long and needs to go quietly into the sunset and perhaps fall over the cliff.

    Hey um.... Mr. Woodster... um. Where is the Bunni girl?
    Did she leave forever? really?
    How can we contact her?

    bonkbonk and a BONK for Pen

  7. ps: If he wins God forbid, and he raises taxes... yeah, that will work out really well.
    The great Socialist State of Maryland (right next door to our great state of Virginia, God's country), raised taxes on the "rich" and they moved out.

    more bonks

  8. Yeah Odie whats the latest on Bunni, do you know mate? we are all very worried about her over here!

  9. Pierro, If it's Brown, flush it down!

    The Girl is missing in action. There are a few of us trying to contact her. I've emailed and called without any results. I'm not giving up.

  10. Pierro, They are already moving out. If this jerk is elected, the businesses will leave faster. He will be the greatest boon to the Nevada economy.

  11. I have to tell her she's worried a lot of us. I've been emailing and calling. I have been talking to her local friends. We'll get an answer.

  12. Odie,

    If he gets elected (and Boxer is returned to the Senate), I am moving up to your neck of the woods and starting YET ANOTHER movement to create the sovereign state of Jefferson where we could tell all the libs and illegals to pack out and castrate rapists. (Gotta dig a little bit for that last one; it was one of the tenets of the Jefferson-ites.)

  13. Watch out for the northern coast TWP. It can be quite liberal.


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