Saturday, December 23, 2023

Merry Christmas ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style



  1. We've all known for many years these "models" were only good for two things...ogling and schtupping. And some of them aren't even worth the effort
    or schtupping.

    1. Dan, what did you expect here, talent?

    2. Was something wrong, Dan? I had the audio muted because I didn't want some stupid music to interrupt my visual experience. In any event Merry Christmas to all.

    3. bogsidebunny, you crack me up .... Merry Christmas.

  2. That is great Woodman! Of course I stole it... Merry Christmas!

  3. Not vocal talent. Perhaps oral talents....but many of them lack even that.

  4. That video sure made me HAPPY and full of Holiday Spirit. I don't know why grumpy old Dan is such a Scrooge. Pretty sad for sure.

    1. John, go easy and be kind to Dan. He'll, one day, understand The Woodsterman as you do.

  5. Worf says, "I do not know who this Holly is, but that her enemies want to deck their halls with her bowels indicates that she must be a very fierce warrior indeed!"


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