Sunday, February 7, 2021

Happy Super Funday Everone ~ 2

 Thanks Skip and FBers


  1. In the summer of 1976 I had just finished Air Force Firefighter School at Chanute AFB in Rantoul Illinois. I caught a flight from Champaign-Urbana to Denver on a DC-9. From my window seat I observed a crew putting Duct tape on part of the leading edge of the wing. There were two stops between there and Denver, and at each one a crew came out and put more tape on the wing!

  2. duct tape won't hold above two hundred knots. there is a product six hundred knot speed tape. It won't hold above two fifty.
    the amazon guy that slipped was probably at the wrong address anyhow.

    1. capt fast, we used to use duct tape on our cracked snowmobile windshields. We called it "High Speed Tape."

  3. Most of my duct tape is black. But I do have some red. And I must admit at one time I knew where some silver duct tape was...

    A lot of them made me chuckle though. Thanks Odie. :)

    1. LindaG, I used to have some 49er duct tape Mrs. Woodsterman got me one Christmas.

  4. The Blonde had an experience like the plane.

    And another heart is, "Don't you like me anymore?".


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