Monday, February 22, 2021

Skip's View On Coke and Other Things


Thanks Skip


  1. Yep. we're boycotting all these woke assholes.

  2. Damn right we're not! We have been flucked by the brits for so long we pull up our own pants and we wear big boy panties...

    1. Where are the Brits in these items?

    2. I have to agree. I only learned this peripherally having grown up here in the states, but my Mom's side came over for the original wave of Jamestown while my father's side arrived as Irish slaves. I learned about it when Mom began to research the family's geneology (actually got invited to join the Daughter's of the American Revolution) and have been reading some book son the issue. Boy, the Irish really have a good case for being abused, yet how often do you ever hear about it?

    3. TVMA, every lib is too busy kissing the feet of BLM.

  3. Coke.. f them. Never again. And watch out for their other brands.

  4. First Aunt Jemima is fired for being black, now the Polar Bears are fired for being too White, what's next Brown and Serve sausage is too?

  5. And they discontinued Vanilla Coke also❗️

  6. I guess you don't know your Irish history Mr Stewart. The brits enslaved more Irish folk then pocs... brits killed more Irish then any other peoples including the Spanish and French.

    1. Cederq, do I smell "History Lesson"? I'm never too old to learn.

  7. I really liked the meme with the Irish miners.

  8. The Micks distinguished themselves at Chapultepec, Antietam, Little Big Horn, and San Juan Hill. They paid their dues.

  9. What passes for "history" these days is appalling. Too many hear about the Irish slave trade and then hear CNN talk about how it is "fake news" and take that at face value. There's a reason for "the troubles" over there in the UK.

    1. TVMA, we have fallen prey to the New World Order libs and their world wide propaganda.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.