Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Lost A Personal Hero Today ~ Follow Up


I really stirred up a hornets nest. I was remarking 

how my life's heros seemed to affect my life. I

thought I may have done that badly. The outpouring

from you, my readers, has completely overwhelmed

and humbled me. Thank you all for prayers and best


Ah yes the CT scan results. There has been no change

from the CT scan from 6 months ago and yesterday's.

The doctor is very pleased and said I was at low risk. 

I will probably have a follow up CT scan in a year.

Thank you all for your comments. You are all the



  1. We love you, Odie. Big healing hug. ♥

  2. Always a pleasure to read that bad fortune passed over a good soul.

    1. Dan, what a great way to say something so nice. Thank You!

  3. Sandee beat me to it - we love you, Odie!

  4. "When we got home from his funeral I put my finger into a table saw blade."


    1. Jeff, I called it karma I believe. There's a tiny scar on the tip on my middle finger on the right hand. I got that lucky finger out of there really quick.

  5. Glad to hear you are ok.

    Losing Rush was something we knew was coming but that does not make the day it happens any easier. You dread it and wish it would not be but it comes nonetheless.

    Keep doing what you do!! You are a gift to all who come by your little spot on the web. Carry on the message of Rush and as he always did, speak the truth.

    Take care Odie!!!!

    1. Glenda T Goode, Thank you so much. I'm so happy you're out there.

  6. Just glad you're ok. I've said it before about Rush - he was a bell that can't be un-rung. As for me and my medical disasters of the last year (that I'm recovering from nicely) I really appreciate the humor and like mindedness. It has helped a lot. Stay well!

  7. Woo Hoo! More Odie to come for a long time! Glad to hear the good news good sir. Stay healthy and safe :)

    1. Chris in NC, thank you Sir! I plan on doing just that.

  8. Rock on Odie - U R a real bright spot - may God Bless you and yours


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