Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Circle Back . . . .

 Thanks Ed


  1. How about we circle back to when DJT was in the White House. Get ready for 4 years at least of beyond pathetic, and any other negative adjective you can think of.

  2. Hey Kid... Got any more money in your paycheck during Trumps time in the White house? I did ...about a 90 dollars per week real money. $4320.00 MORE IN MY POCKET PER YEAR.
    Hey Kid... Do you think ANYONE could have put up with all the Lies the pathetic LUNATIC LEFT COULD HAVE LAYED DOWN ON OUR President Trump. Fake Dossier, PROVEN
    No Quid Pro Quo Like Joe on saving Hunters ASS IN THE Ukraine.
    I seem to remember one specific state or county in a state that had a 139% voter turnout Michigan....& who won that state.... Why Joe Biden Did....
    The American Citizens were robbed of a duly elected President, and we all know it. 2022 is right around the corner, and we are going to get out & vote. You can take that to the BANK... Hillary, Nancy, Chucky, Adam, AOC,OMAR,PRESSLEY,& TLIAB, AND LETS NOT FORGET ABOUT THE RINO REPUBLICANS WHO REALLY STAND OUT IN THE CROWD... Like "WILLARD" Mitt Romney......... They All SUCK.

    1. HVAC, no one can argue what you say. Standing around not allowed.

  3. HVAC Dave hit that nail straight on the head.. But so much more and not enough space - but we all know what the deal was.

    1. Falcon, yes books will be written about all the swamp rats and how tried to become gods.

  4. Everybody's looking at 2022, but if we don't do something, the election in 2022 will be just a valid as the election in 2020
    We must (repeat must) go back to stand-in-line-and wait-your-turn-to-vote elections - this time with a valid ID.
    If you're disabled, like I am, bring your wheelchair/walker and be prepared to wait, or they could set up a special time or line for the really old farts like me.

    1. boron, We have to convince the sheeple to listen to the truth.

  5. Sam Elliot has a great voice, that's for sure. But he's a fucking Hollywood communist, don't forget it.

    1. MMinAR, I don't know why you brought Sam Elliott up, but I thought he was a Hollywood Conservative like Kirk Russell.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.