Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday Is Funner


  1. I plan on treating myself to an organic doughnut today! Been wanting one for days.

  2. Yep, the politicians are all out for themselves. Yes indeed. Community organizers is what we get. And they don't care about anything but lining their pockets.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. these are fabulous....
    thanks, Odie! have a great TUESDAY!

  4. Yeah, those organic doughnuts are sneaky that way.

  5. They were all good, but the Einstein one really tickled me. Very good.

  6. Sandee, Community Organizer is another term for Union Thug.

  7. edutcher, they've had me fooled more than once.

  8. Cube, A lot of people didn't know Einstein said that.

  9. Obama is sending ISIS virgins from the heavens, but they are only good for one bang. Oh yea, Syria and Detroit are much alike.

  10. Ron, Syria or Detroit ... they're all the same.

  11. Buyer beware. Who gives a darn what they're called, as long as they smell, taste and look like donuts! Yes, it's another food group, but with time, even us old folks get it. :) You got those where?????


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