Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Adult Toons

I think that Pastor is on to something.

Thanks Dan!


  1. Its Holy milk...Honestly. Trust me.
    Pastor Randy...

  2. Holy Milk? People are just so dumb. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Thanks for the delicious cake yesterday. I think there was holy milk in that cake.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. I saw some woman walking around the store where I work with yoga pants on (not flesh colored, thank God) that were so tight they might as well have been flesh colored. She was a bit fluffy. It was not a pretty sight.

  4. You mean it's not holy milk?

    Then where do the babies come from?

  5. I'm thinking it's time to wash my eyes again after seeing the stretchie pants.

  6. Euripides, but you're OK with the Holy Milk?

  7. I think we should send Man Up pills to the GOP in DC by the case.

  8. Holy cow "Holy Milk"! Wonder how big his utter was?


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