Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday Is For Wednesday's Leftover Loose Ends

Shhhh .... Don't tell my friends at Facebook I stole these.


  1. Outstanding theft!I might have to steal a few too!

  2. Well...except Nixon wasn't impeached. He left office before the House could do that.

    I know, picky historian stuff.

    Nixon's real crime was the cover up - sort of like Obama and Fast and Furious, or Benghazi, or Syria, or the IRS, or....

  3. Randy, it's what I do when I'm lazy or too busy to think about posting. Works well doesn't it.

  4. Euripides, I know but thieves can't be choosers. Yes Nixon resigned and was only guilty of the cover up. I understand they are teaching in the schools he was the most evil man in world history. Gotta love dem libs.

  5. Hooo Hooo...It's Humpday...Yes you are right Odie I have too much leftover stuff piling up!

  6. Odie: Yeah, the books really pick on Nixon, but hardly mention LBJ's destruction of the US economy, the "police action" he tried to keep secret that killed 58,000, and his "Great Society" that spent 4 trillion to get rid of poverty. I really despise the liberal double standard.

  7. First let me say that I don't love Obama. I've never loved Obama. That's because I'm not an idiot. I'm just saying.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  8. Scotty, Some of these are yours aren't they.

  9. Euripides, It's worse than a double standard. Hell, I having words with a troll at a blog now. All I did was to call the boy king a "communist from Kenya." Check it out:

  10. Yup...The first one is to be sure...Have fun!

  11. Seems like Barry is Hell-bent on recycling the Nixon Admin.

    His Promise Zones are the Enterprise Zones of '68.

  12. Scotty, thanks for letting me "borrow" it.

  13. The american left has been in love with communism since it's beginning and will never, never learn the lessons of history.

  14. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh fooey. Life just ain't fair.

  15. Sig94, Ahhhhhhhhhhh, but it's the liberals job to make it fair. They've been failing at it for 100 years.


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