Thursday, January 30, 2014

Prius Driving B _ _ _ _ !

Enjoy this woman freaking out ... I did.
Whenever we can piss off a liberal I 
consider it a win for our side.


  1. I would have power braked my tires and gave her some good rubber smoke to breath and told her I was trying to warm this frozen country up.

  2. Randy, Liberals can't stand to see people living their lives differently than they would. Don't ever laugh around one of them when the world is in such "crisis".

  3. She is one nasty broad (liberal) indeed. They way she talked around those people kids should have sent her to jail.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. We have a winner! The number one waste of carbon in that video is...the shrill, cussing liberal drone, who is not smart enough to figure out that if she doesn't want to breathe the exhaust of anyone else's vehicle, that her POS Prius is also equipped with wheels and presumably (but not certainly) she has the ability to move it someplace else. Like a real parking space.

    That's okay! When she was a kid she probably couldn't color inside the lines, either!

  5. Sandee, turn off the camera and deck her.

  6. Proof, Like so many libs she has to have someone else change her situation rather than she change it herself.

  7. I got a gen1 Cummins. I would have coalrolled that bitch!

  8. Their favorite line seems to be, "Haters gonna hate", but nobody seems to do more of it than they do.

  9. This female has deep issues. She should not have behaved that way at all, much less in front of a kid(s).

  10. Opie, My how lady like of you. You don't want to fart in her cab or anything?

  11. If I ever see that witch I only hope I have plenty of beans before hand. Just another loud mouthed bitch trying to tell everyone else how to run their lives. We use to deport them from down here, but alas times have changed.

  12. Ron, Put her on a bus with the illegals.

  13. Typical liberal. If they don't approve of something, the world has to change around their views.

    She's just upset because she doesn't look like Farah Fawcett anymore... yeah, like she ever did :-)

  14. Cube, She needs to let her lesbian lover out of the trunk to calm her down.


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