Sunday, January 19, 2014

How Did That Happen ???

Thanks Dan !


  1. How the hell did that ram get up on those wires???

  2. If I could explain any of these I would. I can't.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. There are a number of street magicians who perform that last one. It's quite a clever trick.

  4. Opie, Do you really think I would believe you ladies could use "too" and "cute" in the same sentence and mean it.

  5. Um, I mean, yeah. That guy floating there is totally real. It's a Hindu thing, right?

  6. I normally don't float in mid-air for the amusement of friends and colleagues, but they know that I'm capable of it...

  7. What the heck is that last suppose to be? The others my twisted brain can comprehend!

  8. That last one is definitely Colorado, the rest I can only explain with the word, effort.

  9. The guy in the red robe invented the Hurry Cane.

  10. Euripides, he be doin Hinduin over here and doin Hinduin over there.

  11. Timothy, I never doubted you for a minute.

  12. Ron, Confucius say you ask too many questions.

  13. Edutcher, yes the land of the floating whatever.

  14. Proof, You win the prize, but did that rug get under him before or during this demonstration?

  15. Sorry, Odie... I'm still over on Saturday's Jan 18th, "They're Here ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style," trying to figure out how they can cover so much with so little. (It's taking me longer than I thought it would.)

  16. Marine, I understand, I keep going back myself. Nice sunglasses huh.


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