Wednesday, January 29, 2014

FLASH ... Sick Woodsterman Posts Anyway

 Very Clever ...
 Thanks Dick !
Doesn't that about sum it up.

I did not watch the SOTU because I've heard
enough lies to last a lifetime.

I apologize for my apparent MIA status, but I've been
ill and looking at this computer absolutely makes me
feel even worse. Just a quick one this time and hopefully
I'll be on my feet later. It's just a man cold, but you men
know what I'm talking about. Ladies, please humor me
and the Woodsterman will adore you till his dying day.
That could be shortly the way I feel.  


  1. Take me now! Hilarious...Hope you get well soon young fella.

  2. Awwww - I'm so sorry, Odie. Take Airborne. It will help.

  3. Awww, please accept a box of Kleenex and a bowl of chicken soup from So. Cal.

  4. stevierayv, It's the least I can do from my deathbed.

  5. Randy, I hope I do to. I was at my R&R retreat Sunday and Monday nights. They'll probably stop sending me free nights if I keep getting sick on their time.

  6. Adrienne, I've discovered Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and it's pretty good. I almost slept straight through from 11:00AM yesterday to 6:00AM this morning. I guess it was my body saying what it wanted.

  7. Opie, I need you as my nurse too. In the spirit of "Old Jews Telling Jokes", shouldn't it be Chicken Zoup?

  8. You the MAN, Odie! Nobody can say you just lie there in the dirt and bleed... YOU COWBOY UP!

    Meanwhile, I'll just wander around thru the Rule 5s and entertain myself.

  9. Get healthy...all my friends are down right now...I'm sure you still look better than Obuma the thumbs up.

  10. Those are great Odie :-) Hope you feel better!!!!!

  11. I didn't listen to him either, and for the same reason.

    The depends one had me spewing out my coffee. God help us when we think that's sexy.

    Feel better soon. ☺

  12. I never understood the Easter Island - Stonehenge connection until now.

  13. Marine, Those Rule 5's tend to keep warm too.

  14. Scotty, Please don't make me ill about what Boehner did. I didn't watch because I want to get better.

  15. LL, see what you can learn here. Stonehenge here and astronomy at your place. So many could learn so much.

  16. I can't recall a cartoon ever making me laugh that much. Take me now, indeed!

  17. Knucklehead, Kinda gets you right "there" don't it.

  18. Dude, if you're sick, you're sick.

    Lay down, take care of yourself, get well.

    We like you better alive and well than dead and sick.

    (we're all that age, after all)

    PS Get the pneumonia shot. It really is that good.

  19. So sorry to hear that you're sick. Get well real soon so someone can punch you out for posting that thong diaper cartoon. I'm still shaking...

  20. That top one certainly confirms what I've always believed. Get well quick my man.

  21. Get yourself well, my friend. It's not the computer making you dizzy, it's that face of Obama that keeps popping up all over the news. There's not flu shot in the world that will prevent Obama overload.

  22. Ron, it makes perfect sense doesn't it. Thank You Sir!

  23. Euripides, You don't mean this could be Obamanitis do you?

  24. I used to get sick every winter since I was a kid.

    This year not a sniffle.

    Even The Blonde seems to be doing better.

  25. Edutcher, this one hit us all. My Blonde got it first and I didn't. So I thought I was good to go, so I'm wiping the sick little grandsons nose and everything ... then I get it.

  26. That is a very smart illustration of earth. Haha! ;o)

    If someone invents an adult diaper in thong, he must be . . . . . I'm lost for words ;o)

  27. And please get better soon. You can't be more ill than my computer where I click 1second, wait for 10minutes to load, type, wait for it to post 10minutes more . . . . . I think it is having its near death experience ;o)

  28. Yeah, I did not watch... If I want to see a circus, I'll go in person.

  29. Abelle, Cool huh ... I'm all better ... sort of.

  30. Trestin, I would never go to that circus.


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