Sunday, January 26, 2014

PC Here? Are You Kidding.


  1. I miss those days too.

    Have a fabulous Sunday Odie. ☺

  2. Sandee said it first. Honestly - I look at the people coming in the store where I work and I'm appalled. The parents are dressed like their kids and the kids look like slobs.

    Back in the 1950's young people couldn't wait to dress up like the adults and act like adults. They no longer have any role models because the "adults" are no longer adults.

  3. Don't we all!

    PS The Slob Culture started with the hippies in the 60s.

    Now the hippies are the old geezers, but they were never the adults.

  4. Nothing like a New Years Eve party in the Cantina---good Carta Blanca Negra cerveza and fresh gato tacos. Those were the days, and didn't mind picking the flys from my beer

  5. I'm still over here, looking at how words were invented.

  6. Marine, trust me, I always know where to find you.

  7. It's not just that Obama's a child, he's an ignorant, bratty, selfish, whining child. I miss the grownups in government as well.

  8. We certainly do need an adult leading this country instead of this backwards thinking weak loser we have in there now.

  9. Teresa, We the People can do a better job.


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