Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Did That Happen ?

Thanks Dan!


  1. Oooops! Hope you are OK with the snows and all.

  2. Yep, how did these things happen. Rapidly I would think.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Sandee, Oh I would say speed plus stupidity.

  4. We need to form a government oversight committee to create a subcommittee to fund research into just exactly how these things could happen. Then, we need a committee for the prevention of such things ever happening again.

    I also think we should start with a $4 billion dollar government grant to kick off our new committee.

  5. If it's Colorado, I have a theory...

  6. If that last one is not photoshopped that is a real mystery! Maybe just a fast growing tree.

  7. Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction. Take Obamohammad, for example.

  8. I imagine ethanol had something to do with it...

  9. Alright, how in the heck did the man fit in the twirly thing in the first place? That seems impossible.

    The dog on the 2nd story window is funny. A dog afraid of heights. That's too funny.

  10. I got clausterphobic just looking at that guy at the playground.

  11. Euripides, We need to form committee to form a fact finding committee to discuss your proposal. Have your people call my people.

  12. Marine, truth brings up another subject when we attach it to "The Name".

  13. Teresa, we on the Woodsterman staff deal with the impossible daily.


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