Friday, December 6, 2013

Remembering . . . .

Woodsterman Salutes the Greatest Generation!


  1. I heard Oliver North speaking of another generation - the first completely volunteer force since the founding that went (with many that signed up after 9/11) to Iraq and Afghanistan. The "Greatest Generation" saved the world...this new one might have to do it all over again.

  2. A Date That Will Live In Infamy

  3. My ex's birthday. The Japanese planned this in anticipation of her birth nine years later.

  4. While this isn't depicting the Nazi terror regime it reminded me of a profile of a scum KKK member I saw commenting on a Youtube video just a while ago who was spreading his racist hatred. He was standing in front of a swastika flag in KKK cloak/gown/dress or whatever it's called doing a Heil Hitler salute. He was an American & I could only shake my head in disbelief & thought of how many of his brave countrymen suffered & lost their lives fighting against this evil. These sort of neo-Nazi scum deserve to be tortured by the same standards that the Nazi's tortured & tormented so many of their poor victims.

    Sorry for ranting Woodsterman but as an Australian ex-Serviceman these sort of filthy slimeballs make me sick.

  5. Race, I hope you're wrong about that. Although it's getting nasty out there if you look past the communist Utopia.

  6. Sig 94, this day must be doubly horrible for you.

  7. They were the greatest generation.

  8. My father fought in WWII, and he was a can do kind of guy. So many were back then. They did what needed doing.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  9. Supi, Yes they were, and my Grandson's generation might be the last if Washington and Owonderful keep giving the farm away.

  10. Sandee, same here all around with my father.

  11. One thing to keep in mind is that Japan was the kind of Thousand Year Reich Hitler wanted for Germany.

    And it acted that way.

    Japan was no less evil than the Krauts, as Chinese and Filipino attitudes attest to this day.

    Thanks for putting that up.

  12. Definitely the Greatest Generation!

    Today at the beauty parlor, an older woman came in dressed in fatigues. When some of the beauticians asked her why she was dressed that way, she gave a little speech about Pearl Harbor and its significance.

    Nobody laughed.

    Nobody snickered.

    This woman had lost at least one family member during the bombing of Pearl Harbor and very effectively reminded all in the beauty parlor -- and it was very crowded -- of December 7, 1941.

    Things got very solemn for quite a while.

    Good on that woman for making sure that, even as a winter storm bears down on the D.C. area -- we should not forget Pearl Harbor Day.

  13. They're almost all gone now. And I ask myself from time to time what we will do without them.

  14. AOW, Good for her and you for remembering.

    A storm. Must mean panic time in DC. Stay home and warm. We got our 12" here and now it's around zero.

  15. LL, I find myself trying to explain what's happening to this country to those that have passed in my imagination.

  16. Odie,
    Most people in this area panic if even one flake falls from the sky. Hell, a bad weather forecast sends them into panic mode even if nothing ever falls from the sky. I don't get it!

  17. AOW, I have to confess I used to listen to Don and Mike. The horror stories from your area very very funny.


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