Friday, December 13, 2013

Looking Out for One Another....

Slip this note under the wiper blade of the 
next car you see in this situation.

Thanks David !


  1. I would need alot of printer paper in my neck of the woods...

  2. I don't see many around here, and most that did have them already took them off. Smarter than I gave them credit for.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  3. Race, How much would you like. Let's get started.

  4. Sandee, So they were ashamed of what they did. Too bad they realized it too late.

  5. I need to print a few of these up.

  6. I printed these up following the last election...Since then "Obuma sticker shock" has set in and Lil' Barry sticker removal kits have become a hot item!

  7. LL, where you are will take many many trees.

  8. Scotty, I was selling the removal gets. It allowed me to retire and buy a summer home in Beverly Hills.

  9. I still see a lot of Obama bumper stickers around here in Northern Virginia liberal land -- but not nearly as many as before the ObamaCare rollout FUBAR.

    In fact, a few Obama voters whom I personally know are now cursing "the liberal Democrats" after getting notification of their new health-insurance premium rates. Some folks just have to learn the hard way, huh?

  10. I see an obama sticker about once a year. Usually from out of state.

  11. I need to have some of those notes printed up. Only problem is that I don't go into those areas were those cars are---you know the wrong side of the tracks---southern version.

  12. AOW, FUBAR ... Tango and Cash ... right?

  13. Ron, hey, tracks is tracks and parts is parts ... Come on live a little.


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