Monday, December 30, 2013

Great Commercial


  1. Progressives really hate these commercials.

  2. I own a Smith and Wesson .357 subnose. I don't agree with the placement of ths girl's gun safe. It should have been on top of the nightstand NOT under the bed.

    In any case, you're right. It is a great ad for owning a firearm and NOT being afraid to use it.

    Molon Labe.

  3. That's what I would do Odie.

    Yep, somebody picked the wrong girl.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Why didn't she double tap as soon as the guy entered the door? That would have saved the taxpayers countless money paying for this guy's defense in court.

  5. LL, That's the best reason to have them.

  6. Sandee, That's why it's a good idea to arm ourselves.

  7. Euripides, I completely agree. Once he's in that house ... say good night.

  8. I'm more of a Smith & Wesson gal, but a Glock will do in a pinch.

    BTW I love me my Ermey.

  9. The Blonde in action. She actually did that to a cop who didn't announce himself one time.

    No shoot, but he found himself looking down the business end of a GI .45.

    What Mad Magazine used to call "Scenes We'd Like To See".

  10. Glocks are great, but I have an Israeli Desert Eagle---44mag. No such thing as too much fire power.

  11. The NFL wouldn't allow a commercial such as this one to air during the Superbowl. Progressive pussies.

  12. LL, yeah ain't that a bitch, but what would sissy boy Costas have said?

  13. Great commercial...
    I teach my daughter to shoot and become comfortable with guns... Just as much as I insist on the boys to become comfortable with guns. But I'm hoping once she becomes of age, and on her own, she can feel as safe and as comfortable with guns as this young lady in the ad...
    Great commercial... No women should be without them...
    And like you, Odie, I'm a Ruger guy meself... ;-)


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